Back next week. :)

Quick post tonight. I recorded content for YouTube. It’ll go up next week. I’ll also have a regular long-form blog post up next week. I was going to finish the YouTube edit tonight, but I have more pressing editing to do for my regular job. If you caught my IG stories, I was grateful for […]
It’s been a while.

This is a quick update post. I’m still here. I’m still working on content. Work has kept me exceptionally busy and when not working, I’ve just been tired. Work stuff. I’ve really been enjoying the challenge of my new job. I just recently completed the longest video edit I’ve ever done. Nine minutes long. I […]
A change is coming.

Tomorrow. Part one happens tomorrow.
I tried blonde. Now I’m going to try something different. I’m excited. If it turns out – amazeballs. If it doesn’t? I can try something else.
Life. Is. Good. :)

It’s good. If I didn’t have down times I wouldn’t be human.
I’m sitting here in my comfy chair, listening to music, typing on my laptop and I am content.
I am transgender
I am not choosing my gender.
I am choosing to show the world, on the outside, who I have always been on the inside.
It’s what my life feels like right now. I’ve had every intention of writing regularly. Posting updates. Getting into vlogging. The whole all of it. Here we are nearing the end of July. I barely know which way is up currently. When I find out, I’ll write more. Thanks for sticking around this long. I […]
Still here.

It hit me today. I’m going to miss a significant portion of my kids lives because I’m transgender.
It still hurts.

It.Still.Fucking.Hurts. I wasn’t enough. I’m not worth knowing. I did irreparable damage over 15 years. She’s embarrassed of me. She’s ashamed to have been married to me. She doesn’t want people to know that I’m the ex. “She’s not my husband.” Some of these I still feel so strongly at times. Others zip in and […]
Guilt and estrogen.

I haven’t written in a while. There’s a reason. Guilt. I’ve had a post about transition and divorce running circles in my head for some time. You’ll have to wait longer for that one. Thoughts are still a mess on exactly what and how I want to talk about it.
What I’ve been avoiding.

It’s also what I’ve been avoiding my whole life – I’ve been avoiding my life.