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Northern Lights in Southern Colorado. The stuff of dreams
Creative Writing


When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Me? What I would tell people was a cover, a distraction. I didn’t want people to know my heart’s desire, even from a young age. I was so good at telling people what I wanted to be that they believed me.

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Creative Writing

Dear T.

T, Be kind to yourself. Yes, you’ve come a long way, but it’s also not very far. You’ve only been you for a few years. You are playing catch-up in a world you weren’t a part of for much of your life. You were busy keeping yourself safe. You were

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Creative Writing


I’ve seen the memes. I’ve posted similar content about “not wanting to adult.” It’s hard. It’s messy. It’s exhausting. It’s terrifying.  It’s also incredibly beautiful and vibrant. It’s full of life and connections. It’s full of growth and learning. I am finding that It’s absolutely worth the experience of living. 

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Creative Writing

The trauma of feeling unwanted.

Trauma.Emotional trauma.I lived almost half a lifetime feeling unwanted. Those feelings came rushing back with a vengeance on Monday. Quite unexpectedly, I might add. But isn’t that usually the case with deep trauma? I honestly don’t know, which is why I’m asking. I only have my own lived experience. And

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