I’ve just been dealing with life. My ex-wife is moving 6 hours away. We’ve decided to have our kids do school there.

This shit is hard.
I’m processing.
Did I mention this shit is hard?
It hit me today. I’m going to miss a significant portion of my kids lives because I’m transgender.
her name is T Jay
Sure. It’s not all of it. We probably would have found ourselves getting a divorce at some point anyway. But being trans was THE straw.
Fucking ouch.
I’m not going anywhere though. I have a lot of thoughts that will find their way into the blog. I’ve launched my Etsy store. YouTube is next – I just need to pull the trigger on a good mic. Or not. It’s coming anyway.
It’s time to stop being afraid of shit. Right now, producing content is what I need. It’s my secondary therapy.
It’s coming.
#LiveAuthentic #LivePositive