Disappointed. Not Surprised.

If you’re new here, “Welcome!” TL:DR 2020 I started therapy in September. I came out as transgender in October. I separated from my wife and started HRT in November. 2021 I was divorced as of February 1. I socially transitioned on February 6. My gender was corrected by April. And I’ve been authentically me now […]
Visibly Invisible.

Hi. I’m T, and I’m visibly invisible. I am an openly gay, transgender woman living in a rural mountain town. Many consider this town overly conservative and religious – I’ve called it home since I was 5. That makes me about as visible as one can get. I am an openly gay, transgender woman living […]
Back next week. :)

Quick post tonight. I recorded content for YouTube. It’ll go up next week. I’ll also have a regular long-form blog post up next week. I was going to finish the YouTube edit tonight, but I have more pressing editing to do for my regular job. If you caught my IG stories, I was grateful for […]
It’s been a while.

This is a quick update post. I’m still here. I’m still working on content. Work has kept me exceptionally busy and when not working, I’ve just been tired. Work stuff. I’ve really been enjoying the challenge of my new job. I just recently completed the longest video edit I’ve ever done. Nine minutes long. I […]
No friends.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before, “40-year-old recently out transgender women signs up to do network marketing for newly launched lifestyle and athleisure brand with no network.” Why lead with that? The important thing here is not that I signed up to do network marketing. Don’t get me wrong, I am genuinely in […]
Thoughts on my upbringing.

Or thoughts on “thought in ‘the church.’” You’ll read this again if you get through this post. I want it here at the beginning too, because it sets the stage for the madness that follows. 😆 This post is something new for me. I had thoughts as I laid down and instead of just brushing […]
I’m on YouTube.
What have I done? 😂 If you read the last post, you read these words. I was able to read them without crying for a YouTube video. Canon M50. Check. EF-M 22mm Lens. Check. Ring Light. Check. Now all I need is a better mic for better audio. Look at me create content. I was […]
A change is coming.

Tomorrow. Part one happens tomorrow.
I tried blonde. Now I’m going to try something different. I’m excited. If it turns out – amazeballs. If it doesn’t? I can try something else.
Life. Is. Good. :)

It’s good. If I didn’t have down times I wouldn’t be human.
I’m sitting here in my comfy chair, listening to music, typing on my laptop and I am content.
through something difficult.