Dear T.

T, Be kind to yourself. Yes, you’ve come a long way, but it’s also not very far. You’ve only been you for a few years. You are playing catch-up in a world you weren’t a part of for much of your life. You were busy keeping yourself safe. You were busy keeping yourself alive. Now […]

I’ve seen the memes. I’ve posted similar content about “not wanting to adult.” It’s hard. It’s messy. It’s exhausting. It’s terrifying. It’s also incredibly beautiful and vibrant. It’s full of life and connections. It’s full of growth and learning. I am finding that It’s absolutely worth the experience of living. I had a whole post […]
I’m 2.

Today is my 2-year HRT Anniversary. I took my first dose of bicalutamide the night of November 4, 2020 and it was on of the best decisions I’ve ever made for my health. And to be honest, it was one of the most selfish decisions I’ve ever made. I truly didn’t understand what it was […]
I’m writing a novel.

And I have no idea what I’m doing. Kinnikinnick. Like Mississippi, but cooler and more Colorado. It’s a word from memory and it goes as far back as I can remember. 3. 3-years old. Ramona Drive. I had to look it up. I remembered the house but I didn’t remember the address. Our house had […]
Reposted from Instagram with a note: My rest will involve more regular blog posting. I’ve been on a path of discovery, looking for things I truly love to do. Writing is one of them. I give myself permission to be. Dysphoria. It was all-consuming. From the moment I knew I was transgender, it was constant. […]
I posted this on Instagram today. It’s important enough to share a copy here also. Find me there at @hernameistjay I’ve only just begun. But I feel so completely me..I smile easily, laugh often, and feel every tear. I greet each day as an opportunity to be a better human, a better parent, a better […]
Your Box.

It’s actually a prison. You sit there in your safe little box. You surround yourself with tv news and online articles that only support your beliefs and never challenge them. You limit your interactions with people in the world because heaven forbid, you meet someone you might disagree with. You have no direct experience in […]
I’ll be back soon.

Hi. I’ve been gone for a bit. I needed time to focus on myself, my content, my business, my why. It’s time to shift, to level up. I’ll be back soon. Big things are coming. See you soon, T
I am. I can let go.

I am transgender. That will always be a core part of who I am. Transition is the part of me that some day, I will be able to let go. There will be a day, I hope, that I can say, “I am me. I am no longer in transition. I am just me.” Of […]
I do to entrepreneurship. I don’t know my energy.
I’m back on YouTube after a short break. I know I want to have a side hustle. I know I’m capable of being successful. Now I’m working on just how to do that. I think a big first step is alignment. Getting my energies aligned and gaining some focus. It’s all part of my personal […]