I posted this on Instagram today. It’s important enough to share a copy here also. Find me there at @hernameistjay

I’ve only just begun. But I feel so completely me.
I smile easily, laugh often, and feel every tear. I greet each day as an opportunity to be a better human, a better parent, a better daughter and a better sister.
I couldn’t see it through the fog but now that the fog has lifted, I know without a single doubt that gender affirming care saved my life.
The world is bright and full of color because I get to be me.
Everyone, child and adult deserves the same chance to be themselves without the fog of depression anxiety and stress that gender dysphoria causes.
Unless you have experienced gender dysphoria yourself, you’ll never truly understand what it’s like to fight that mental battle every waking and often dreaming hour.
But you don’t have to. All you need to do is be there for your loved ones. Your children, your siblings, your parents. Fill them with love and support and have patience as they work to find themselves. They will never be who you expect them to be. Let them be themselves. Authentic.
It’s all we hope for.
I’m T. I am a parent. Daughter. Sister. Friend. I am proud to be transgender and I will proudly speak up for those who can’t.
#beauthentic #protecttranskids #wearevalid #transgender #lgbtqia #speakup #positivevibes #raiseyourvibration #happytobeme