I’m 2.

Today is my 2-year HRT Anniversary. I took my first dose of bicalutamide the night of November 4, 2020 and it was on of the best decisions I’ve ever made for my health. And to be honest, it was one of the most selfish decisions I’ve ever made. I truly didn’t understand what it was […]
T Jay to T.

A journey of self. Discovered. What’s in a name? But not just any name. What’s in a person’s name? My name is T. One letter. If you are picky, there’s a period after the T on my birth certificate – which is now accurate because my state is awesome. I never did claim the period. […]
Reposted from Instagram with a note: My rest will involve more regular blog posting. I’ve been on a path of discovery, looking for things I truly love to do. Writing is one of them. I give myself permission to be. Dysphoria. It was all-consuming. From the moment I knew I was transgender, it was constant. […]
I am. I can let go.

I am transgender. That will always be a core part of who I am. Transition is the part of me that some day, I will be able to let go. There will be a day, I hope, that I can say, “I am me. I am no longer in transition. I am just me.” Of […]
Disappointed. Not Surprised.

If you’re new here, “Welcome!” TL:DR 2020 I started therapy in September. I came out as transgender in October. I separated from my wife and started HRT in November. 2021 I was divorced as of February 1. I socially transitioned on February 6. My gender was corrected by April. And I’ve been authentically me now […]
Vlog 02 | I’m T.
Take 2! Multicam Edit. Color correcting. It’s a lot easier with photos. Matching cameras isn’t for the faint of heart. The usual: I got a mic! I’m learning to use it. Better audio soon. Focus Daniel San. I’m sure it’s a lighting issue. I’m still working on the balance between my overheads, ring lights, and […]
The Change. Pt 1.

Manifesting. Positive Energy. Faith. I’m not sure how it all works together, but it does. I had someone turn down buying my truck on Tuesday to “think about it.” I asked for the truck to sell this week to someone who needed it. That happened today. 😮 Someone mentioned auburn hair. I thought it sounded […]
A change is coming.

Tomorrow. Part one happens tomorrow.
I tried blonde. Now I’m going to try something different. I’m excited. If it turns out – amazeballs. If it doesn’t? I can try something else.
Life. Is. Good. :)

It’s good. If I didn’t have down times I wouldn’t be human.
I’m sitting here in my comfy chair, listening to music, typing on my laptop and I am content.
I am transgender
I am not choosing my gender.
I am choosing to show the world, on the outside, who I have always been on the inside.