Today is my 2-year HRT Anniversary.

I took my first dose of bicalutamide the night of November 4, 2020 and it was on of the best decisions I’ve ever made for my health. And to be honest, it was one of the most selfish decisions I’ve ever made.
I truly didn’t understand what it was like to have almost total access to my brain – until I took that first dose.
I spent my life making decisions based on the outcome for others. Choosing to try HRT – hoping it would in some way alleviate my dysphoria so I could work on my depression, stress, and anxiety…
Here I am 2 years later. Depression is gone. Stress is greatly reduced. Anxiety is at manageable levels. And the dysphoria! I truly didn’t understand what it was like to have almost total access to my brain – until I took that first dose.
This is a short post, but more are on the way. I’ve been working on myself, digging deeper into the shadows, and I’m finally ready to put my face back into the light.
Stay tuned.