I’m 2.

Today is my 2-year HRT Anniversary. I took my first dose of bicalutamide the night of November 4, 2020 and it was on of the best decisions I’ve ever made for my health. And to be honest, it was one of the most selfish decisions I’ve ever made. I truly didn’t understand what it was […]
I am. I can let go.

I am transgender. That will always be a core part of who I am. Transition is the part of me that some day, I will be able to let go. There will be a day, I hope, that I can say, “I am me. I am no longer in transition. I am just me.” Of […]
Visibly Invisible.

Hi. I’m T, and I’m visibly invisible. I am an openly gay, transgender woman living in a rural mountain town. Many consider this town overly conservative and religious – I’ve called it home since I was 5. That makes me about as visible as one can get. I am an openly gay, transgender woman living […]
A change is coming.

Tomorrow. Part one happens tomorrow.
I tried blonde. Now I’m going to try something different. I’m excited. If it turns out – amazeballs. If it doesn’t? I can try something else.
Life. Is. Good. :)

It’s good. If I didn’t have down times I wouldn’t be human.
I’m sitting here in my comfy chair, listening to music, typing on my laptop and I am content.
FaceApp Validation.
The app finally gendered me correctly. 😂 That is all.
Guilt and estrogen.

I haven’t written in a while. There’s a reason. Guilt. I’ve had a post about transition and divorce running circles in my head for some time. You’ll have to wait longer for that one. Thoughts are still a mess on exactly what and how I want to talk about it.
When does re-puberty start?
I watched a thirty-second TikTok. It ended. The tears flowed. That fast. That easy.
The cost of a blood test.

Oh. My. Goodness.
I have insurance. It’s pretty decent especially considering where I live. But I wasn’t quite ready for the bill. Sure, I knew I needed the blood test. We had to see where my hormone levels were to help plan the next phase of HRT.