
I’m trying to take care of myself mentally and physically. The mental part has actually come quite easily since coming out. Without the continual mental struggle against dysphoria and feeling like a mistake, I find myself mentally clear and present. I’m just happy. I’m more productive at work. I’m present in more moments with my […]
Kick Ass Month.
It’s my birthday month. I turn 40 this year. It is also the month I am going to kick some ass and cross some things off my list. Stay tuned. More content is coming on a more regular schedule. It is also the month I am going to kick some ass and cross some things […]

I posted this to Instagram today. It seemed it would be a good fit here too. My first #transformationtuesday #transitiontuesday post.
I did a thing Sunday.
I was so exhausted on Monday that I went home after a morning meeting and took a nap. I thought to myself, “I probably don’t need to take a nap but I’ll just lay down for 15 minutes.”
I did a thing today.
I got my ears pierced today. It was a big step for me and something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time. Dallas and Kendra at Durango Professional Piercing were amazing! If you are looking for a place to go in the Four Corners region, check them out. Side note: I just noticed […]

That word should be bigger. It’s so powerful. Even when I try very hard to keep it from being bigger, it just is.
It didn’t hit until after I did my eyes and started my day. Usually doing my eyes helps. It didn’t today.
When does re-puberty start?
I watched a thirty-second TikTok. It ended. The tears flowed. That fast. That easy.
What I’ve been avoiding.

It’s also what I’ve been avoiding my whole life – I’ve been avoiding my life.
The ups and downs.

To date. I’ve had a lot of each.
It’s a roller coaster that I’m tired of riding. I know I have many laps left before I can get off.