
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Me? What I would tell people was a cover, a distraction. I didn’t want people to know my heart’s desire, even from a young age. I was so good at telling people what I wanted to be that they believed me.
Dear T.

T, Be kind to yourself. Yes, you’ve come a long way, but it’s also not very far. You’ve only been you for a few years. You are playing catch-up in a world you weren’t a part of for much of your life. You were busy keeping yourself safe. You were busy keeping yourself alive. Now […]

I’ve seen the memes. I’ve posted similar content about “not wanting to adult.” It’s hard. It’s messy. It’s exhausting. It’s terrifying. It’s also incredibly beautiful and vibrant. It’s full of life and connections. It’s full of growth and learning. I am finding that It’s absolutely worth the experience of living. I had a whole post […]
The trauma of feeling unwanted.

Trauma.Emotional trauma.I lived almost half a lifetime feeling unwanted. Those feelings came rushing back with a vengeance on Monday. Quite unexpectedly, I might add. But isn’t that usually the case with deep trauma? I honestly don’t know, which is why I’m asking. I only have my own lived experience. And therapy. Lots of therapy. Disclaimer: […]
I’m writing a novel.

And I have no idea what I’m doing. Kinnikinnick. Like Mississippi, but cooler and more Colorado. It’s a word from memory and it goes as far back as I can remember. 3. 3-years old. Ramona Drive. I had to look it up. I remembered the house but I didn’t remember the address. Our house had […]
T Jay to T.

A journey of self. Discovered. What’s in a name? But not just any name. What’s in a person’s name? My name is T. One letter. If you are picky, there’s a period after the T on my birth certificate – which is now accurate because my state is awesome. I never did claim the period. […]
I posted this on Instagram today. It’s important enough to share a copy here also. Find me there at @hernameistjay I’ve only just begun. But I feel so completely me..I smile easily, laugh often, and feel every tear. I greet each day as an opportunity to be a better human, a better parent, a better […]
Your Box.

It’s actually a prison. You sit there in your safe little box. You surround yourself with tv news and online articles that only support your beliefs and never challenge them. You limit your interactions with people in the world because heaven forbid, you meet someone you might disagree with. You have no direct experience in […]
Vlog 01 | Transition isn’t easy. I miss my kids.
I feel like the content here is important enough to give this piece the honor of being my first official YouTube Vlog. Vlog 01 TLDR: Transition isn’t easy. I miss my kids. Another learning video. I set my Canon M50 up to capture video. I placed my iPhone on the desk to capture a second […]
No friends.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before, “40-year-old recently out transgender women signs up to do network marketing for newly launched lifestyle and athleisure brand with no network.” Why lead with that? The important thing here is not that I signed up to do network marketing. Don’t get me wrong, I am genuinely in […]