
That word should be bigger. It’s so powerful. Even when I try very hard to keep it from being bigger, it just is.
It didn’t hit until after I did my eyes and started my day. Usually doing my eyes helps. It didn’t today.
When does re-puberty start?
I watched a thirty-second TikTok. It ended. The tears flowed. That fast. That easy.
What I’ve been avoiding.

It’s also what I’ve been avoiding my whole life – I’ve been avoiding my life.
The beginning.

The obvious question:
“When did you know you were trans?”
“Thanks, T1 internet connection, and unsupervised internet use.
The ups and downs.

To date. I’ve had a lot of each.
It’s a roller coaster that I’m tired of riding. I know I have many laps left before I can get off.
The cost of a blood test.

Oh. My. Goodness.
I have insurance. It’s pretty decent especially considering where I live. But I wasn’t quite ready for the bill. Sure, I knew I needed the blood test. We had to see where my hormone levels were to help plan the next phase of HRT.
I don’t think I can be more out.

I don’t think I can be more out.
Truly. I don’t think there are any more coming outs that I have to undergo.