Hello! This isn’t much for a first blog post, I know. The good news is, the website is up and I’m ready to write. It won’t be long before there’s more content here.
Thanks for checking in!
T Jay
Hello! This isn’t much for a first blog post, I know. The good news is, the website is up and I’m ready to write. It won’t be long before there’s more content here.
Thanks for checking in!
T Jay
T, when your last FB post said “apartment”, admittedly, I went to your page to see if you and the fam moved which led me here. I’m so happy for you and your quest to be your true you. I find your courage beyond admirable. May your journey be as absolutely beautiful as you.
Hi Jen! Thanks for checking out my blog, and for leaving a comment! I really appreciate it. The journey is bittersweet. 15 years with someone isn’t easy to leave, but we both agree it was absolutely the right decision to make. For my future, it’s so much easier to live authentically than I could ever have imagined. I’ve never felt so content with myself – it’s a wonderful thing! I’m just happy to be me and I’m excited at my life ahead. It’s finally the right one – my choice, not the life expected of me. 🙂